Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Worldwide Desalination Volume Up 8.5%

Recent data indicates that the current capacity for desalination plants world-wide has grown to 69 M3/Day, an 8.5% increase from 2008 statistical data. The data measures only desalination plants larger than 100 M3/day and in the first 6 months of 2009 there were 13,868 plants. Currently the number of plants either in operation or under contract is 14,754.

The "hottest" areas of late for desalination projects have been in Spain, Algeria, and Australia. Reverse Osmosis technology (61%) is the most often selected and municipalities (66.2%) dominate the user market followed by industry (23.5%)  and power (5.5%).

It is important to note also that there are a great many RO desalination plants under 100 M3/day operating around the world but that are not included in the data. Sea water desalination capacity is rising faster than brackish or other water qualities.