Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Advantages of Reverse Osmosis for Irrigation Systems

For some years now, golf courses across the country have been making use of reverse osmosis systems to irrigate their greens. In a business where access to water for irrigation is vital to survival, many course managers are turning to reverse osmosis (RO) water filtration systems to ensure themselves of a ready supply of good quality irrigation water to keep their courses green. Is a reverse osmosis golf course irrigation system right for your course? In order to answer that question, you need to understand the advantages of reverse osmosis for desalination and water filtration.

A Reverse Osmosis System can Remove up to 99.5% of the Salt From Sea Water or Brackish Water

In coastal areas, where golf courses may be surrounded by salt water and brackish water, reverse osmosis systems can reduce the cost of irrigating the greens and fairways by making irrigation water from formerly unusable water.

A Reverse Osmosis System can Reduce Your Irrigation Costs Substantially

An article in the November 1998 issue of USGA Green Section Record noted that the Everglades Club, located in Palm Beach, Florida, had reduced irrigation costs by 75% by adopting a reverse osmosis filtration system. The course had been using the RO irrigation system for two years at the time of the article. Greens manager Peter Brooks told the magazine that his costs for irrigation from $3.18 per 1,000 gallons of water to $0.45 per 1,000 gallons.

RO Irrigation Systems can Supply Water for Your Course Even During Drought Conditions

In the same article, Rob Kloska, greens superintendent of the Jupiter Island Golf Club in Florida, noted that the city had cut the club’s water supply during drought conditions in previous summers, which is the time when irrigation and sprinklers are the most important for turf and other course plantings. Installing their own RO water treatment center not only cut costs for the golf course, it gave them control over the water supply that they didn’t have when buying water from the municipal water supply.

RO Filter Systems can Make Unusable Water Usable

Reverse osmosis filters will work on any degree of salinity in water, from full-on seawater to brackish groundwater. In addition, RO irrigation systems can filter out other impurities and contaminants that might make available water unusable for irrigation, such as hard water minerals.

An Irrigation Technology Company can Design an RO System That’s Just Right for Your Needs

Water treatment companies will often work with you to design a system that meets your needs precisely. The full process, from concept to operation, often takes less than two years. If you haven’t considered a reverse osmosis system to provide good quality golf course irrigation systems for your club, contact a water treatment company and ask for a consultation to determine if RO filtration might be worth your while.


  1. good explanation
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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks for sharing the valuable information! Yes, everything has advantages and disadvantages, but disadvantage is created by user. Some peoples are misusing this system thus we are facing problem. Therefore we should know before using any electronic machinery technology.

  4. This technology has been in the world from quite some time, how ever RO services in South delhi has evolved recently,i Feel growing economies has getting such technology now days

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